emanuel dimas de melo pimenta

Gone with the Wind is a music composition and a short movie entirely made during the confinement period of 2020 due to the Covid-19 Chinese plague.
Music and film were elaborated independently.
The musical composition is established in four voices. There is no prevailing voice. The number four here indicates the dynamics of life, as the tradition of sacred geometry teaches. The first voice is a continuum for twenty transverse flutes. The key note is F1. But, an A bass is introduced. This is because both are impossible as musical notes. The subtle pitch fluctuation produced by the natural flexibility of the lips is used to generate a larger number of harmonics.
The second voice is a cluster of complex, higher frequencies, operated electronically. Also forming a continuum. The third voice is established by a long 2/4 rhythmic cell typically used in dances, such as in discos or night clubs. However, this cell is subtly broken, producing a slight aperidiocity.
The fourth voice is the fusion of the sounds of the movie
So, basically, the twenty flutes and the three voices result in twenty-three, the sum of which is five, the pentagon. Five it is the sum of two, the concrete existence, and three, the reason.
In turn, to make the movie a deep research on twenty cinematographic works was necessary. Same number as the first musical voice, with transversal flutes.
From these twenty films, a selection of scenes of love, parties, music, faces, collective events, bars and restaurants was made. Seven points of reference.
A first edition was carried out with five independent tracks.
The Gestalt principle known as "emergence" was adopted. According to this principle, our brains can create images from apparent disconnected points and spots.
Kurt Koffka said: "...our reality is not a mere collocation of elemental facts, but consists of units in which no part exists by itself, where each part points beyond itself and implies a larger whole".
The already classic image of the Dalmatian dog illustrates well how it occurs.
Thus, each one of the five tracks, or visual layers, was electronically treated in order to turn everything white with black spots. The person sees images that are formed in his or her brain, but in addition to the more evident ones, other images are produced, depending on each one's brain. Therefore, each person sees a different whole.
These five layers were superimposed, one being the negative of the other, amplifying the process of "emergence" and the formation of parallel images, belonging to the imagination of each one.

Gone with the Wind is a movie, or a cartoon, as you prefer, about the historical moment we live in.
All images in the film are about elements that have characterized our societies over the past hundred years. In one way or another, they portray people's lives and their "environment"... at least until now.
What will change? What is our role as people, individuals, in the face of the reality that emerges? The old reality suddenly disappeared, like in war.
It is a concert-movie about each one of us, about our memories, our ideas. A reflection-movie.
We are all responsible for the future, for freedom.

Seven points of reference.
The ancient mysticism attributed magical powers to the number seven, considering it a direct reference to the seven human principles: the Self, the soul, the mind, love, the vital principle, the spirit and the physical body.
In the kabbalah, seven of the ten sephirot on the Tree of Life designate our universe of emotions.
In the biblical Revelation, seven are the seals that protect the book that John describes from his apocalyptic vision. The opening of these seals marks the beginning of the Apocalypse.














to Phill Niblock

Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.
Abraham Lincoln

I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.
Ansel Adams

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.
Thomas Jefferson

Every human being is an artist, a freedom being, called to participate in transforming and reshaping the conditions, thinking and structures that shape and inform our lives.
Joseph Beuys

Artists talk a lot about freedom. So, recalling the expression "free as a bird," Morton Feldman went to a park one day and spent some time watching our feathered friends. When he came back, he said, "You know? They're not free: they're fighting over bits of food".
John Cage

go to the music-movie

emanuel pimenta

see the images