

T...R...A...N...C...O...S...O... |... P...O...R...T...U...G...A...L... | ...A...P...R...I...L... |... 26... to... 28... | ...2007







ASA Art and Technology


Rachel Riemer received her degrees in physics and education. She completed her Masters in Education at Harvard University where she studied closely with her teacher, friend, and mentor Dr. Arthur Loeb (1923-2002), a senior lecturer and honorary associate in the Department of Visual and Environmental studies. She co-taught the Visual Mathematics and Design Science course with Dr. Loeb during his last year at Harvard. She went on to catalog and curate his collection of teaching models. She gave a memoriam in honour of Dr. Loeb at the Symmetry Festival in Budapest, Hungary (2003) sharing reflections on his teaching method and collection. She is on the Executive Board of The International Symmetry Association and has appeared in the Journal of Symmetrion. While at Harvard, she focused on integrating science and art into curriculum for high school students. She has taught Visual Mathematics at Boston University Academy and currently teaches Visual Mathematics and Design Science as senior seminar at Gann Academy where she also teaches physics, chemistry, and mathematics. She is a Philomorph who in her spare time, enjoys building models and is a consultant to Sanchez Circuit, a clothing and design company inspired by science, art, and engineering.

d i r e c t i o n : G y o r g y D a r v a s a n d E m a n u e l D i m a s d e M e l o P i m e n t a

this site was created and is mantained by ASA Art and Technology, London