



ammar eloueini ................... after architecture

The evolution of the architecture practice today, leads us to rethink the definition of some fondamental notions in architecture. Through computarized processes, the enviroment in which architectural projects are elaborated, had profondly changed. A major shift occurred from the abstraction in representation, to process. Abstraction is not anymore related to the representation in architecture, but becomes inherent to the design process. Space is thought of, as topological, architectural and urban spaces are not anymore considered as subtle composition of forms and programmes. They became flows of interrelated forces and informations. If, as our perception has tuned, and became able to take into account complexities and posibilities that were still unreacheble before. It is important to have an expiremental approch, in order to ground new references and strategies. Our enviroment had undeniabely changed, a conceptual and projectual, non linear approch, based on dynamic systems answering architectural and urban complexity, can be considered, both in its constitution and application.

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